Jhumpa Lahiri – Whereabouts


Today the new novel ‘Whereabouts’ from the Pulitzer-winning and Booker-shortlisted Jhumpa Lahiri is out. Written in Italian, but translated into English by the author herself, it reads like a memoir.  We follow a middle-aged, solemn woman through an unnamed, ‘run-down’ city. She takes us in short bursts of observative descriptions through the places that belong […]


Taeko Kono – Toddler-hunting and Other Stories


Backlist publishing has grown more popular these days, and the trend is welcome – it helps to take a breather from constantly chasing new titles and rediscover what’s been good for a long time. Taeko Kono’s stories were first published in post-war Japan in the 1960s, translated into English in the 90s, and now W&N […]


The Innocents by Michael Crummey


I read this at the time of Covid 19 pandemic, and the fact that two orphan children in this novel are trying to survive on an island by fishing and growing their food and foraging, put a lot of things into perspective. It is an atmospheric read, don’t expect incredible plot twists or a crowd […]
