O Caledonia by Elspeth Barker


Undoubtedly one of the best overlooked novels that should be read by everyone, ‘O Caledonia’ is republished today by W&N in their ESSENTIALS collection. It gave me such joy to read it, every page filled with emotion and colour, recognition and admiration, that I want to give a copy to every bookish person I know, and […]


Taeko Kono – Toddler-hunting and Other Stories


Backlist publishing has grown more popular these days, and the trend is welcome – it helps to take a breather from constantly chasing new titles and rediscover what’s been good for a long time. Taeko Kono’s stories were first published in post-war Japan in the 1960s, translated into English in the 90s, and now W&N […]


Giulia Enders – Gut


I’m sure this book doesn’t need any more PR as I’ve heard about it many times before finally buying it. A close friend’s words ‘it is life-changing’ were the last straw that broke the camel’s back.
