Алексей Поляринов – Риф


Хорошо к любой книге подходить с чистой оперативной памятью и открытым сердцем. К сожалению, в случае с Рифом Алексея Поляринова у меня не было шансов на отстраненную объективность. Объясню. Хоть и узнала я о творчестве Алексея только прошлым летом (через Бесконечную Шутку), я глубоко прониклась тем, какой он клевый и продвинутый и эклектичный чувак. Мне […]


Gravity’s Rainbow #1 – Bananas


I swear this wasn’t on purpose. Not the set up – obviously I arranged the bananas to form a little musaceous mountain around the book, but the number of bananas present has creeped up on me over the last few weeks, in no way inspired by Pirate’s Banana Breakfasts, but merely related to the Vegetable […]


Submission by Michelle Houellebecq

Fiction, Reviews

In Public Enemies, his exchange of letters with philosopher Bernard Henri-Lévy, Houellebecq describes himself as “Nihilist, reactionary, cynic, racist, shameless misogynist… an unremarkable author with no style.” (Guardian) You have to admire his ability to see himself with such crystal clarity. Submission, Houellebecq’s novel published in 2015, in which he presents an alternative future in France, one […]


Running Diaries #3

Running, Writing

I am running again. It feels different. I am more respectful of my body, trying to be in tune, to listen. I follow the rules and ask people who know better for advice. But the biggest change is that instead of feeling proud of myself for getting out there to run, I am grateful for […]


The Innocents by Michael Crummey


I read this at the time of Covid 19 pandemic, and the fact that two orphan children in this novel are trying to survive on an island by fishing and growing their food and foraging, put a lot of things into perspective. It is an atmospheric read, don’t expect incredible plot twists or a crowd […]


Running Diaries #1


I have been running for seven days. Well, I have been walking/running for seven days. Mostly walking, really, but my Runkeeper audio pre-recorded coach Erin says it’s A-OK. It is Erin who tells me when to walk and when to run. We’ve started with a generous ratio of 3 minutes of walking followed by 1 minute of running, and now […]
