Top 5 Books I have read in 2017

Book lists / Sunday, December 31st, 2017

Top 5 books I have read in 2017:

(This was really hard to limit to five! I had to be ruthless!)

1. José Saramago – Death at Intervals

(for the adventurous economist in you)

2. George Saunders – Lincoln in the Bardo

(for the admirer of originality in you)

3. Alexey Slapovskiy – Unknown

(for the russian speaker in you – hasn’t been translated into English yet 😞)

4. Marjane Satrapi – Persepolis

(for the graphic novel fan in you)

5. Paul Auster – 4 3 2 1

(for the eager reader of huge and awesome novels in you)


This has been a great year – I indulged myself with reading amazing books, with writing this blog and with meeting great people of the Bookstagram community!

Here’s to amazing friendships formed over books! May there be more of them and may they last a lifetime!

Happy New Year! 😘😘😘